Hôtel Regency 2.0
Présentation de l'hôtel Regency: les chambres,les restaurants, les bars, les salles de conférence,les espaces dedétente.B.P 705 – 2078 La Marsa – Les Côtes de Carthage – Tunisie Tél :+216 71 910 900Fax : +216 71 912 020Email : [email protected]: Hôtel, restaurant,bars, conférence,détenteHotel Overview Regencyrooms, restaurants, bars, conference rooms, relaxation areas.BP 705 - 2078 La Marsa - Les Côtes de Carthage - Tunisia Tel:+216 71910900Fax: +216 71912020Email: [email protected]: hotel, restaurant, bars, conference, relaxation
Dot Ramadan 1.2
Dot Ramadan, an application dedicated to theTunisian Ramadan, offering a multitude of services, informationsand funs with a religious and friendly context.Arabic android application allows users to:• Consult the current date of the month and the prayer times,"imsek" and "iftar" for morethan 40 cities of Tunisia.• Track the Tunisian channels TV (Hannibal, Nesma TV ...) and theIslamic Arab channels(Alresalah, Iqraa ...).• Being up to date to the latest news during the month ofRamadan.• Listen to hundreds of religious extracts within a medialibrary.• Do not miss the pleasure of taking a taste of the Tunisian menusand their recipes.• Remember a dozen religious citations.Keywords: Ramadan, Tunisia, Prayers, Imsek, Iftar, TV Programs,Information, Media, Religious, Dishes, Recipes, kitchen, adhkar,koran, doua, anachid, Aid, fitr, hadj, mekkaتطبيق مخصص لشهر رمضان الكريم ويقدم العديد من الخدمات والمعلوماتفي سياق ديني.خصائص البرنامج :• متابعة التاريخ الحالي من شهر رمضان المعظّم، مع أوقات الصلاة،الإمساك و الإفطار لأكثر من 40 مدينة تونسيّة و جميع مدن العالم بناءعلى موقع الجغرافي للجهاز .• تتبع مواعيد برامج القنوات التونسية (حنبعل ، نسمة...) والقنواتالعربية الإسلامية (الرسالة، إقرأ...) و أشهر القنوات العربية (أبوظبي, أم بي سي...).• مواكبة آخر الأخبار في شهر رمضان.• الإستماع إلى عشرات المقاطع الصوتيّة الدينية ضمن مكتبة صوتيةللقرآن الكريم و لعدد من المنشدين ( مشاري راشد العفاسي, سامي يوسف,ماهر زين...)• لا تفوت متعة إكتشاف الأطباق والوصفات التونسية : مفتحـــات,سلاطـــــة, بريك و طاجين, أطباق رئـيسية• معرفة بعض الأحاديث الدينية.• تهاني عيد الفطر المبارك
Animal's Pair 1.0
Kids love playing memory games. Animals'spairs make it easy for kids to improve their short-term memory andspeed recognition skills. Kids love practicing their memory skillswhile playing games. With Animals's pairs, kids let your kids havefun while learning!Kids love playing memorygames. Animals's peers make it easy for kids to Improve Theirshort-term memory and speed recognition skills. Their kids lovepracticing memory skills while playing games. With Animals's peers,kids let your kids have fun while learning!
Dot Medical 1.0
DOT MEDICAL is a free application thatprovides for user a tunisian medical directory. This applicationpresents a selective search and smart enough and offers users theclosest reference to their location including their contact details(address, phone, email,Geographical Location, ...). Thesereferences are classified according to the governorates andspecialties.DOT MEDICAL generates 6 medical areas:• Doctors• Pharmacies• Dentists• Laboratories• Radiologists• PhysiotherapistsSpecialities:ANATOMIE PATHOLOGIQUE , ANESTHESIE & ANESTHESIE REANIMATION, BIOPHYSIQUE ET MEDECINE NUCLEAIRE , CARDIOLOGIE , CHIRURGIECARCINOLOGIE , CHIRURGIE CARDIO-VASCULAIRE & PERIPHERIQUE ,CHIRURGIE GENERALE , CHIRURGIE ORTHOPEDIQUE , CHIRURGIE PEDIATRIQUE, CHIRURGIE PLASTIQUE & REPARATRICE , DERMATOLOGIE ,ENDOCRINOLOGIE , GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIE , GYNECOLOGIE-OBSTETRIQUE,HEMATOLOGIE CLINIQUE , MALADIES INFECTIEUSES , MEDECINECARCINOLOGIQUE , MEDECINE DU TRAVAIL , MEDECINE GENERALE , MEDECINEINTERNE , MEDECINE PHYSIQUE , MEDECINE PREVENTIVE ET SOCIALE ,NEPHROLOGIE , NEURO-CHIRURGIE , NEUROLOGIE , NUTRITION ,OPHTALMOLOGIE , O.R.L. , PEDIATRIE ,PHYSIOLOGIE & EXPLORATION FONCTIONNELLE , PNEUMO-PHTISIOLOGIE ,PSYCHIATRIE , PSYCHIATRIE INFANTILE , RADIOTHERAPIE , REANIMATIONMEDICALE , RHUMATOLOGIE , STOMATOLOGIE ET CHIRURGIE MAXILLO-FACIALE, UROLOGIE , MEDECIN DENTISTE , ORTHOPEDIE DENTO FACIALE ,PHARMACIEN D'OFFICINE DE JOUR , PHARMACIEN D'OFFICINE DE NUIT ,PHYSIOTHERAPIE (KINESITHERAPIE) , RADIOLOGIE (DIAGNOSTIC) ,Cities:ARIANA , BEJA , BEN AROUS , BIZERTE , GABES , GAFSA , JENDOUBA ,KAIROUAN , KASSERINE , KEBILI , LE KEF , MAHDIA , MANOUBA ,MEDENINE, MONASTIR , NABEUL , SFAX , SIDI BOUZID , SILIANA , SOUSSE ,TATAOUINE , TOZEUR , TUNIS , ZAGHOUANالدليل الطبي لتونس , الأطباء , الصيدليات , أطباء الأسنان ,المختبرات , الأشعة , العلاج الطبيعيعلم الأمراض، والتخدير والإنعاش التخدير، الفيزياء الحيوية والطبالنووي، وأمراض القلب، وجراحة السرطان وجراحة القلب والأوعية الدمويةوملحقاته، والجراحة العامة العظام وجراحة الأطفال وجراحة التجميلوالأمراض الجلدية وأمراض الغدد الصماء ،الجهاز الهضمي وأمراض النساء،طب التوليد ،أمراض الدم السريرية والأمراض المعدية والأورام الطب، الطب ، الطبالعام، الطب الباطني، والطب الطبيعي ، الطب الوقائي والاجتماعي ،وأمراض الكلى، الجراحة العصبية،الجهاز العصبي ، التغذية، طب العيون،الأنف والحنجرة، طب الأطفال ،فسيولوجيا والاستكشاف الوظيفي ،الطب النفسي للأطفال، العلاج الإشعاعي، والعناية المركزة الطبية، الروماتيزم، طب الفم وجراحة الفكينوالوجه، جراحة المسالك البولية، وأطباء الأسنان، تقويم الأسنان الوجه، صيدلية النهار و صيدلية الليل، والعلاج الطبيعي (العلاج الطبيعي) ،الأشعة (التشخيص)
Best Invest 2.1
« Best Invest » est une application Androidrelative à la bourse en Tunisie. Elle propose tous les servicesaccessibles sur le site web y compris l'affichage des informationssur la cotation des valeurs boursières (Synthèse de la valeur,profondeur du marché).Elle offre une multitude de services, qui peuvent être soit entemps réel si l’utilisateur est authentifié soit différées de 15min pour le publique :- Infos marché- Cotation différée de 15mn- Les 5 plus fortes hausses- Les 5 plus fortes baisses- Les 5 valeurs les plus actives- Indices sectoriels- News de « Best Invest »- Cours des devises"Best Invest" is arelative to the stock market in Tunisia Android application. Itoffers all the services available on the website including theinformation display on the listing of the stock market (Synthesisof value, market depth).It offers a multitude of services, which can be either in real timeif the user is authenticated to be delayed 15 minutes to thepublic:- Market News- Trading delayed 15 minutes- The five largest increases- The 5 largest declines- The five most active values- Sectoral Indices- News "Best Invest"- Exchange Rate
Jawhara FM 1.6
Application officielle de la Radio Jawhara FMen Tunisie. Grâce à cette application vous pouvez :- Ecouter la radio en direct- Accéder directement au programme de la journée- Accéder au contenu du site- Visualiser les actualités et les news et partager les articlesavec vos amis- Parcourir les albums d'images JawharaFM- Consulter les podcasts des émissions déjà diffusées avec unelarge archive (plusieurs mois) pour certaines émissions- Envoyer un message au Studiokeys: SousseOfficial application ofRadio Jawhara FM in Tunisia. With this application you can:- Listen to live radio- Go directly to the program of the day- Jump to site content- View the latest news and news and share articles with yourfriends- Browse albums Photo JawharaFM- Consult the podcasts of previous shows with a large archive(several months) for certain programs- Send a message to Studiokeys: Sousse
Jawhara FM (Officiel) 1.0
Application officielle de la Radio Jawhara FMen Tunisie. Grâce à cette application vous pouvez :- Ecouter la radio en direct- Accéder directement au programme de la journée- Accéder au contenu du site- Visualiser les actualités et les news et partager les articlesavec vos amis- Parcourir les albums d'images JawharaFM- Consulter les podcasts des émissions déjà diffusées avec unelarge archive (plusieurs mois) pour certaines émissions- Envoyer un message au StudioMots clés : Sousse, Sahel, Actualités...Official application ofRadio Jawhara FM in Tunisia. With this application you can:- Listen to live radio- Go directly to the program of the day- Go to the site content- View the latest news and news and share articles with yourfriends- Browse JawharaFM image albums- Consult the podcasts of previous shows with a wide archive(several months) to certain emissions- Send a message to the StudioKeywords: Sousse, Sahel, News ...
Dot Transport 1.0
Dot Transport, l'application mobile qui vouspermettra de planifier votre voyage et de rechercher votre moyen detransport idéal en Tunisie. Un annuaire de toutes les sociétés demoyens de transport, de logistique et de l'affrêtement dont vousavez besoin en Tunisie.Véritable guide pour les voyageurs qui présente les points dedéparts et les horaires de tous les moyens de transport en Tunisie(Bus, Train, Avion, Bateau,...).Cet annuaire vous apportera les réponses à vos besoins detransport avec un service simplifié d'infos et de prévisionsmétéorologiques pour tout le térritoire tunisien (des données detempérature, de vent, de pression, d'humidité,...).Testez ce guide. Vous n'allez pas le regretter !keywords: Tunisie, Transport, Train, Bus, Avions, Transtu,Navires, Météo, Taxi, GaresDot Transportation, themobile application that allows you to plan your trip and find yourideal means of transport in Tunisia. A directory of all transportcompanies, logistics and chartering, you need to Tunisia.Real guide for travelers who presents the starting points andtimes of all means of transport in Tunisia (Bus, Train, Plane, Boat...).This book will give you answers to your transportation needswith simplified information service and weather forecasts for thewhole country (temperature data, wind, pressure, humidity,...).Try this guide. You will not regret it!keywords: Tunisia, Transportation, Train, Bus, Aircraft,Transtu, Ships, Weather, Taxi, Train Stations
Dot Kitchen 1.2
DOT kitchen is a free application thatprovides you with over 2500 recipes. In fact, this applicationoffers:- Recipes for cooking and filterable by type- A search engine- A plate of days you will be offered- A personal account allows you to comment, rate and sauvgarderyour favorite recipes.- Consulting with comments from other utilistation.keywords: recipe, Tunisia, Maghreb, soup, dish, tajine, Briks,Desserts, Starters, Salads, Ramadan
Dot Industry 1.0
Dot Industry est la première applicationmobileen Tunisie qui s’intéresse à l’activité industrielle enprésentantune banque de données sur les entreprises tunisiennesetprofessionnels évoluant dans l’Industrie.Au menu de cette application, un annuaire des affairesréférençantplus de 6 000 entreprises d’industrie mécaniques etmétallurgiques,textile et habillement, cuir et chaussures,matériaux deconstruction céramique et verre, industriesagro-alimentaires,…Vous y retrouverez tout ce qu’il vous faudra pour rejoindrevosentrepriseskeywords: Industrie, Tunisie, Annuaire, SecteurDot Industry is thefirstmobile application in Tunisia who is interested inindustrialactivity by presenting a database of Tunisian companiesandprofessionals working in the industry.On the menu of this application, a business directory listsmorethan 6,000 mechanical and metallurgical industryenterprises,textiles and clothing, leather and footwear, ceramicbuildingmaterials and glass, food industries, ...You will find everything you need to reach your business keywords: Industry, Tunisia, UK Sector
Dot Flags 1.0
Learn the flags of countries and theirnameswith "Dot Flags".This cultural game, which is full of flags from around theworld(more than 220), is to guess the correct flag corresponding tothename given country among a grid of six flags!Each correct answer increases your score one more point.And you have only 3 chance to a wrong answer, and if you losethesechances you start again the score counter ...Have fun with "Dot Flags!"
Découvrez les plus beaux sites de la TUNISIEentière à visiter ,"TUNISIA TOUCH" permet d'afficher, sur une carte, des ressourcesgéo-localisées, lieux touristiques très connus, qui contiennent desinformations pouvant être en plusieurs langues, des images, desvidéos, et des routes appropriées géo-positionnées.Discover the mostbeautiful sights of the entire visit to Tunisia,"TUNISIA TOUCH" will display on a map, geo-localized resources,well-known tourist sites, which contain information that can be indifferent languages, images, videos, and geo-positioned appropriateroads.
Ramadhan 2013 1.3
Une application pour le mois de Ramadan,vouspermettra:- De connaître les temps de prière,- De localiser des mosquées autour de vous,- De déterminer la direction,- Ecouter le Coran et divers groupe de chants religieux.Avec Cette application vous pouvez également évaluer vosactionsreligieux tout au long du mois de Ramadan.Keywords :Ramadan, Ramadhan, Curan, Quoran, Qoran, رمضان, قرآن,Qibla,قبلة,An application forthemonth of Ramadan, you will:- To know the time of prayer,- To locate mosques around you,- To determine the direction,- Listen to the Quran and diverse group of religious songs.With this application you can also evaluate yourreligiousactivities throughout the month of Ramadan.Keywords:Ramadan, Ramadan, Curan, Quoran, Qoran, رمضان, قرآن, Qiblaقبلة,
BH BANK 3.9.4
With the mobile application "BH BANK" in its new version moreeasily access your accounts anytime and wherever you are from yourSmartphone. You can among other services as well: • Consult thelist of your accounts and their balances in real time. • Consultthe list of your cards and their operations in real time. • Viewthe history of more than two years of your transactions • Perform amulti-criteria search for movements "amounts, dates, check number..." • Send a request to our customer service "contact center" •Receive useful notifications from your bank • Request a newcheckbook • Simulate your financing • Follow the values ​​of theexchange rates applied It is also possible to search for thenearest agency or DAB. Position yourself and the app will guide youto the chosen destination. In addition, the Bank Contact functionallows you to directly contact a specialized advisor. If you arenot yet a client of the BH BANK, visit our website: our facebook page: andaddress you to the nearest point of sale, our agents will have thepleasure to accompany you and meet your expectations.